Collection: Microblading

What is microblading?

Microblading is a semipermanent technique for enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows, in which pigment is scratched into the skin in fine, short strokes resembling hair, using a hand tool with a blade formed of tiny needles.

Who is a good candidate?

The following list of conditions and/or situations are contraindicated for microblading and will determine whether or not you are a candidate:

  • Eczema (in the eyebrow area)

  • Psoriasis (in the eyebrow area)

  • Keratosis Pilaris (in the eyebrow area)

  • Dermatitis (itchy and flaky skin in the eyebrow area)

  • Moles/Bumps/Piercings, Raised Skin (in eyebrow area)

  • Trichotillomania (in eyebrow area)

  • Botox (must wait 3 weeks following botox if in brow area)

  • Sunburn/Suntan (in brow area – must wait until skin returns to normal color)

  • Vacationing (make sure to plan your vacation at least two weeks following your microbladed eyebrows so that they have time to heal before “fun in the sun”)

  • Blood Thinners (microblading will create excessive bleeding)

  • Heart Conditions (oftentimes taking blood thinners)

  • Hemophilia (excessive bleeding if microbladed)

  • Pregnant (Absolutely not!)

  • Breast-feeding (Absolutely not!)

  • Rosacea (skin too sensitive and will not hold color)

  • Sensitive Skin (skin too sensitive will not hold color)

  • Chronic Acne/Excessively Oily Skin (hairstrokes will blur together)

  • Large Pores (in eyebrow area will cause hairstrokes to blur together)

  • Natural Redhead (skin is too sensitive and will not hold color)

  • Thin-Skinned (skin to fragile and hypersensitive)

  • Previous Permanent Eyebrows (microblading will not implant properly)

  • Accutane (severe acne medication creates tissue-thin skin – must wait an entire year following Accutane usage to regain skin integrity)

  • Retin-A (creates very thin skin and must wait one year following usage of this product)

  • Retinol/Vitamin A (discontinue the use of these products on forehead/brow area for at least 30 days prior to microblading procedure)

  • Autoimmune Diseases (such as Lupus, Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia – skin health is too compromised for microblading)

How long will the results last?

Microblading, unlike traditional cosmetic tattooing, is less invasive and is considered to be “semi-permanent”. Microblading is designed to generally last 1-3 years, depending upon your age, skin type, skin health, how well you follow your aftercare instructions, your usual skincare routine and environmental factors, particularly sun exposure. As a result, it will be necessary to be sure to include “maintenance” microblading procedures as part of your (approximately) yearly routine.

Cost:$500 full set $350 Touch Up

 Reach Out

320 N Meridian St Ste. 110,
Indianapolis, IN 46204

(317) 643-1718

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